
Strategic Recruitment and 
Global Expansion

The attraction and retention of talent is and will remain a priority now and for the future. To be able to attract talents, companies need to have and promote values that are aligned with the new generations. Work-life balance is one of the mandatory priorities to preserve. RINA has evolved rapidly in recent years, adapting to remote work, flexible schedules, new leadership models, and an increased emphasis on company values. In this context, in 2023, we successfully grew our global workforce by integrating about 1,000 new colleagues. Our specialized recruitment teams across the world employed their extensive industry knowledge and technical expertise to identify, attract, and onboard talents, ensuring that new hires were well-matched to our needs and ethos. 

Technological Enhancements in 
Work Management

To empower people through AI is one of the most powerful tools to optimise processes and improve work-life balance.
In 2023, RINA positioned itself as an early adopter in Italy of Microsoft’s advanced AI tool, Copilot. The integration of AI solutions into a knowledge-centric company like RINA signals a significant shift in our work paradigm. These solutions are set to streamline administrative tasks, enhance communication, and cultivate a culture of innovation among our colleagues. 

Leadership Development and Training

As part of our broader people-centric transformation, we implemented the People Growth process. This initiative aligns with our strategic objectives and considers individual career expectations and managers' assessments of the potential of their team members, to allow us to design personalized development paths. In 2023, we ran the second edition of our Leadership Hub, a worldwide training initiative led by SDA Bocconi personalised on the base of RINA leadership model to allow our managers to manage an innovative and flexible environment.   As we integrate generative AI in 2024, our focus will shift to nurturing competencies, ensuring timely upskilling and reskilling, and forecasting future needs in alignment with our business strategy.

Cultivating a Robust Company 

To foster innovation, we need to nourish inclusion. During 2023, we reinforced our commitment to creating an inclusive and supportive workplace by achieving the Italian certification for Diversity and Inclusion. This recognition is a testament to our ongoing efforts to build a work environment where diversity is valued, and all employees can thrive. In 2024, we will launch our D&I strategic plan which is being written with the aim of making our own the principles of the most advanced countries in the world on the subject.

Looking Ahead: Strategic Focus for 2024

As we move into 2024, our HR strategy will focus on enhancing internal mobility and fostering talent fluidity to meet the evolving demands of our projects and client needs. We will continue to leverage AI and data analytics to refine our recruitment processes, aiming to create a workplace environment that not only attracts but also retains top talent. The alignment of our HR policies with RINA’s long-term strategic goals is designed to ensure that we not only adapt to change but are also well-positioned to support the company’s growth.
By focusing on these key areas, we are committed to maintaining RINA as a competitive and attractive place to work, capable of nurturing the best talents worldwide.