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IT Transformation and Security Enhancements

2023 was a landmark year for our IT department as we embarked on a comprehensive IT transformation program. A major thrust of this initiative was the move towards cloud technologies, enhancing our operational agility and data security. The implementation of Salesforce CRM and the initiation of a cloud transformation program in 2024 will be key milestones, streamlining our customer relationship management and data accessibility. 
Security has been another critical area, with the activation of our Security Operation Centre and the adoption of new technologies while phasing out obsolete ones like outdated VPNs. These steps have bolstered our defences against cyber threats, ensuring the integrity and confidentiality of our client and company data. Innovations in data and customer management, such as the Information Model for data governance, have further strengthened our ability to manage and utilise data effectively, enhancing decision-making and operational efficiency across the board.


During 2023, we emphasised the integration of AI in our security systems and other IT operations, aiming to leverage cutting-edge technology to enhance our capabilities and service levels globally. As we look towards the future, our strategy remains clear-continue to integrate, adapt, and innovate. The upcoming year is poised to be one of significant transformation, with planned enhancements to our geographical footprint and service capabilities. RINA’s commitment to innovation has recently been enhanced by the launch of the “AI Factory.” This newly established team of professionals will spearhead groundbreaking advancements in our services. 

We are dedicated to strengthening our market presence in key regions such as the UK, the US, and the Middle East, and exploring new opportunities in emerging markets, including through potential mergers and acquisitions. 

As we move forward, RINA stands ready to navigate the complexities of a rapidly evolving global landscape, leveraging on our broad-based knowledge and on the continuous sharing of expertise, the cross-functional application of our technical know-how, and our ability to innovate across all sectors in which we operate.



In 2023, we encountered new challenges and achieved remarkable results with the EVERYWH2ERE project. This project is dedicated to developing fuel cell-based "plug and play" transportable gensets, offering zero-emission and zero-noise solutions for various applications such as music festivals, temporary events, and construction sites. 

During the Hydrogen Experience event, EVERYWH2ERE was prominently featured in the afternoon exhibition, highlighting its significant contributions to hydrogen technologies. Attendees witnessed the diverse applications of hydrogen demonstrated by the project's innovative fuel cell systems. A special DJ set powered by the Fuel-Cell Power System created a low-impact music experience, showcasing the project's capabilities in providing sustainable energy solutions. 

Furthermore, the iconic Piramide Cestia monument in Rome was illuminated using energy generated by the Everywh2ere Hydrogen project's fuel cell power system, demonstrating the real-world applications and potential of hydrogen technology. This initiative was part of an event organized by H2IT - Associazione Italiana Idrogeno, aimed at showcasing hydrogen's pivotal role in achieving a net-zero carbon world and raising awareness about the imperative need for a sustainable energy transition.


As coordinators of the lighthouse project RHE-MEDiation, which began in June 2023, we are dedicated to addressing one of the most urgent challenges of our time: restoring and protecting the Mediterranean and its waters from chemical pollution. The entire water cycle, from source to sea, is under unprecedented pressure due to decades of pollution and unsustainable use, resulting in severe degradation of marine ecosystems. 

In this critical context, RHE-MEDiation is dedicated to implementing innovative techniques to prevent chemical pollution from reaching the Mediterranean Sea. Through prompt reactions, data sharing, and the development of monitoring tools, we aim to minimize pollution in targeted areas and work towards restoring a good environmental status in the long term. We also prioritize the minimization and control of pollution in hot spots through prompt reactions and data sharing with stakeholders. 

Additionally, our project aims to harness the power of photosynthetic microorganisms to remove toxic metals and pollutants from wastewater. This approach not only reduces pollution in water bodies but also generates valuable microalgal biomass that can be utilized for biofuels, biofertilizers, and valuable compound extraction.


The InfraROB project, which began in September 2021, is making significant strides in transforming road maintenance and infrastructure through automation, robotics, and modularization. Recently, we achieved a fundamental milestone by successfully installing a cutting-edge Structural Health Monitoring system. This system integrates fiber optic sensors into road pavement, enabling real-time detection of asphalt deformation and temperature changes along a 30-meter stretch of road. Additionally, we established a sophisticated data acquisition unit and implemented a remote monitoring system to ensure comprehensive monitoring of road conditions. Laboratory tests conducted after compacting asphalt samples demonstrate the durability and resilience of the fiber optic sensors, validating their suitability for monitoring road infrastructure health. These achievements represent a significant leap forward in ensuring safer, more efficient road infrastructure, bringing us closer to achieving InfraROB's goals of enhancing worker safety, increasing network availability, and improving road user safety.


The HORIZON EUROPE project INDUX-R started in January 2024 and addresses a key challenge in our society: the use of eXtended Reality (XR) to transform European industrial sectors by empowering humans and creating innovate XR products and services of significant added value, namely, digitisation and creation of XR assets, realistic animation, light-field HMDs, XR media  streaming and egocentric perception. To address challenges that multi-user XR applications pose, INDUX-R will implement a highly scalable, zero-touch 5G architecture and a secure, interoperable IoT network that can accommodate fluctuating demands and minimize waste of resources. The foreseen use cases cover a wide spectrum of industrial ecosystems in event planning, Industry 4.0, virtual medical training, cultural tourism, and broadcasting of sports events where end-users will participate in every step of INDUX-R, from the elaboration of user requirements up to final qualification of the ecosystem, thus implementing a human-centric approach of XR technology development. In this regard, INDUX-R reflects upon the societal and ethical challenges that XR poses, building a legal and ethics framework that will ensure that technological development is aligned with European Values.


Since May 2021, as coordinators of the ENGIMMONIA project, we have been actively engaged in addressing the highly challenging decarbonization targets set by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) for the shipping sector. These targets require urgent and proactive measures to be implemented as soon as possible. ENGIMMONIA offers solutions that focus on two main pillars: promoting the global introduction of alternative fuels, particularly ammonia, and transferring clean energy technologies already demonstrated in terrestrial applications (such as waste heat recovery and renewables) to the maritime sector. One of the key objectives of ENGIMMONIA is to conduct comprehensive studies to assess the benefits of utilizing carbon-free fuels like ammonia in the shipping industry.


As coordinators of the project, REN+HOMES, which began in June 2023, we are at the forefront of tackling climate change by spearheading the development of a universal methodology for positive energy homes and residential districts. Recognizing the pivotal role of buildings in energy consumption and carbon emissions, our approach addresses this critical aspect head-on. REN+HOMES is dedicated to contributing to a sustainable transition by not only reducing carbon emissions but also tackling resource scarcity and energy poverty. Through comprehensive education and participation programs, stakeholders are actively engaged in our mission. Our overarching goal is to establish a universal framework for the development of positive energy homes and residential districts, paving the way for climate-neutral and energy-positive residential buildings.


The main objective of HYDRA, IPCEI project, is to contribute to the development of industrial solutions for the introduction and use of hydrogen in the steel supply chain as well as its integration with the related hydrogen production, transport and distribution infrastructures. The introduction of the use of hydrogen in the production process potentially allows the decarbonization of the entire European steel sector, in line with the European objectives for 2050, increasing its global competitiveness. In the HYDRA project it is envisaged the creation of an open innovation platform, potentially supporting all European steel producers, including small ones. Specifically, HYDRA concerns the development and set-up of: ·       
- an Innovative Pilot Direct Reduction Plant (DRI) powered by Hydrogen;      
- an Electric Furnace (EAF) melting H2-DRI, in order to study and develop the metallurgy related to «green» Raw Materials and use of Hydrogen Burners;      
- Hydrogen Use in the Heating and Heat Treatment Furnaces;      
- Methodologies for testing and qualification of Materials/Components to be used for the transportation and distribution of Hydrogen in the Steelmaking Plants; 

Hydra foresees the realization of new laboratories for material testing with H2, mainly located in Castel Romano (Italy). Civil Works are planned to start by the end of October 2023, while the complete installation of the laboratory equipment will be finalized by 3Q 2025. On the other hand, the project regards the installation of an innovative pilot plant for: 
- the production of pre-reduced iron with hydrogen (DRI Tower) 
- the production of “green steel” in an Electric Arc Furnace (EAF), using pre-reduced iron from DRI Tower as raw material.


The 2DPLOY project, which started in January 2024, aims to provide support to EIIs by assisting them in developing compelling proposals for the Innovation Fund. SINTEF, VITO, ASPIRE and RINA-CSM have already identified and shortlisted five promising H2020 projects from industrial partners (CEINNMAT, EVONIK, OLEON) and VITO. The 2DPLOY methodology will be tested starting with these 5 pilot projects, which will help establish and undergo the project's innovation pipeline. This pipeline consists of several key steps, including: 1) screening H2020 projects through a prequalification matrix and a 1-hour interview with an expert; and 2) an evaluation commission that aims to select only the most mature projects. 3) The chosen projects will then be able to participate in advanced masterclasses that cover six different topics related to the IF's key requirements, such as degree of innovation, scalability, potential for avoided GHG emissions, and technical and financial maturity. 4) Finally, 2DPLOY will offer personalized guidance and feedback to support the preparation of three sound proposals to be submitted to the IF. RINA-CSM will be leader of the activities devoted to improving the 2DPLOY methodology through a two-way learning strategy that involves collaborations and synergies with key industrial and EU stakeholders, such as the Innovation Fund, the Directorate-General for Climate Action, Processes4Planet, Clean Steel, Clean Hydrogen Joint Undertaking, Batt4EU, and Clean Energy Transition. The activities and achievements developed within the scope of 2DPLOY can then be replicated by relevant HE Partnerships, to accelerate the deployment of mature, promising and high-impact innovations that come out of R&I projects, maybe combined with other de-risk mechanisms that can encourage innovation owners to invest in these technologies and, thus, pave the way for the decarbonization of EII with European innovative technology.


Launched in October 2022, the EHHUR project, which we are coordinating, is dedicated to mobilizing citizens and businesses across Europe to combat climate change through innovative architectural design and community engagement. Inspired by the principles of the New European Bauhaus initiative and EU Missions, EHHUR focuses its efforts on seven Lighthouse communities situated in Denmark, Greece, Belgium, Portugal, Turkey, Croatia, and Italy. These communities represent diverse socio-economic and infrastructural backgrounds, presenting unique challenges and opportunities. 

The core objective of EHHUR is to deploy Urban Transformation Plans in these lighthouse communities by 2025. These plans will serve as tangible manifestations of the project's commitment to sustainable urban development and climate action. By leveraging innovative architectural design and fostering community involvement, EHHUR seeks to address pressing environmental concerns while promoting inclusivity and resilience. 

The heterogeneous experiences gained from these lighthouse communities will be invaluable in shaping future initiatives. EHHUR aims to turn these experiences into a wealth of good practices and guidelines, facilitating the replication of successful strategies across Europe and beyond. 


Since January 2023 we have been coordinating the REFRESH project. Its aim is to develop and showcase an innovative circular system for the improved recycling of glass fiber reinforced composites from wind turbine decommissioning or reblading. Through cutting-edge developments, the project aims to enhance technologies to maximize both the volume and quality of recovered materials. 

REFRESH endeavors to reintroduce secondary raw materials into the energy sector's value chains and other markets, thereby reducing dependence on virgin resources. This initiative is projected to potentially save 52 million tons in virgin raw materials eight years after project completion. 

Moreover, the REFRESH concept holds significant promise for replication in other markets where the use of composite materials is on the rise.


The GR4FITE project, initiated in 2023, stands as a pioneering effort aimed at transforming the landscape of battery-grade graphite production and utilization in Europe with a strong commitment to sustainability. 

At the heart of GR4FITE lies the ambition to establish a novel supply chain, paving the way for a greener trajectory that commences from Zavalievsky Graphite LLC, Europe's largest operational natural graphite mine. This endeavor extends to the laboratories where rigorous characterization processes refine lithium-ion battery materials. 

Moreover, the project prioritizes the development of environmentally friendly purification methods, the creation of advanced composite materials, and the manufacture of lithium-ion battery cells boasting enhanced performance. Integral to the project's vision is an unwavering dedication to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) principles, alongside the pursuit of ambitious carbon emissions reduction targets. 

GR4FITE epitomizes a holistic approach towards sustainable innovation, poised to revolutionize the battery industry and pave the way towards a greener, more resilient future.