Annual Report 2021

Research & Innovation

2021 was the transition year between Horizon 2020 and Horizon Europe, the EU's key funding programmes for research and innovation. The new framework started in the middle of 2021. Up until this point, we had time to work on the development of current projects and technical activities. Once Horizon Europe started, however, we were able to work on new proposals and have already had good results from the first round of evaluations with new projects starting.


H2020 signed projects for a total project total value of about 1B€ 


Top Industrial Participant in H2020 across EU based on participations in projects 


million euros of R&D funding only in 2021


R&D collaborative projects ongoing 


R&D engineering 

The VEEP and ICEBERG projects target the creation of circular economies in construction and demolition waste. VEEP reached its main objective in 2021 for the eco-design, development and demonstration of cost-effective recycling of demolition materials into novel multilayer precast concrete elements for use in new buildings and refurbishment projects.

ICEBERG started in 2020 and is expected to demonstrate and validate advanced technology to produce high purity secondary raw materials through six circular case studies across Europe, covering concrete, wood, mixed aggregate, glass, polymeric insulating foams, and inorganic insulation materials. It includes the development of three innovative logistic tools: an upgraded BIM-aided Smart Demolition tool, a digital end-of-life building materials (EBM) traceability platform, and a radio frequency and QR-based identification system. 

In 2021, we also started the CISUFLO project, which targets circular and sustainable floor coverings in the textile sector. RINA is developing a platform to collect and share data and the project is expected to provide six pilots to demonstrate feasibility and value in future flooring, sorting, separation, laminate, vinyl, and textile flooring recycling. 

Running from 2018 until 2022, the C-SERVEES project aims at boosting and efficient circular economy product recovery and re-use of components in the electrical and electronic sector. RINA is again developing a logistics platform for this and supporting transportation rules.  

Creating circular economies and sustainability

Looking ahead

Collaboration is key to our research activities and stimulating new ideas.

2022 has already started well and we are excited about the opportunities from the Horizon Europe framework, the most ambitious EU funding program to date. 

We are working on ideas across RINA’s business areas in collaboration with different business units and are very optimistic about the numbers of proposals and projects we will part of. We are also proud that within our running projects we will have the opportunity to support researchers of Ukraine to whom offer the possibility to collaborate with us in the development of project activities.