Annual Report 2021

Real estate & Infrastructure    

Real estate & ​Infrastructure 


In the Infrastructure sector, we focussed on promoting our managerial and technical competencies to enhance our traditional services and develop our Project Management Consultancy (PMC) activities for large infrastructure projects.

Following the huge success of the Genoa bridge demolition/reconstruction project, we acquired two major contracts in Genoa to support electrification of the public transport system and the expansion of the Sestri Ponente shipyards. These important contracts strengthen our position for strategic growth in PMC services

We consolidated our position in transport infrastructure inspection activities by acquiring and developing technical activities relating to all nine Autostrade per l’Italia trunk direction, which affect over 3,000 km of motorways. In Asset Integrity Management, we further developed an experimental monitoring system for dynamic monitoring of work of art bridges and galleries for ANAS.   

Despite the ongoing effects of COVID, our smart working approach and security and safety measures for site working ensured our business resilience. We worked on over 300 contracts and provided 220,000 hours of engineering in 2021, covering over 400,000 m2 of buildings and urban development and over 100 km of road design. 

During the year, we also worked to fully integrate the Comete Engineering business in Tunis into the business unit and engaged a new colleague to develop business in the Middle East. 

During 2021, in line with the ever so fast changing sector of infrastructures, digitalizing both internal processes and the way we deliver our services was paramount for RINA. We took a big step towards the digital transformation of our business unit with full implementation of Building Integrity Modeling (BIM) and cloud-based sharing and collaboration systems which allows our clients to now benefit from an all-round digitalized approach.  

Our innovative Resilient Construction Worksite, released in 2021, is a temporary and articulated production system and aims at guaranteeing operational continuity in compliance with regulatory frameworks using advanced technologies. It addresses the needs of increasing worker safety, whilst minimising work interruptions and consequent delays, therefore reducing risks of economic and legal damage. 

We have also adopted two solutions for Smart Inspections: AI-based autonomous systems and smart helmets. AI-based inspections use autonomous, unmanned systems to perform inspections in areas that are harsh or difficult to reach. This service can improve the accuracy of damage detection and behavioural forecasting. Smart helmets provide remote guidance from expert technicians to operators on site. The solution can reduce the time taken for inspections, ensure deep investigations are carried out where needed, and help preserve operator safety. 

For Conditional Assessment of transport infrastructure, we developed a tool to provide risk assessment and economic impact from asset mechanical and geometrical parameters. It considers the characterisation of multiple hazards and exposure in terms of structural damage, service downtime, etc. It integrates civil and transport engineering analysis to determine the effects of damage from natural events by assessing the level of service before and after events, economic impact, and resilience. This innovative tool will support infrastructure managers in anticipating potential disruptions and implementing mitigating measures

Continued innovation 
for safe infrastructure

Creating greener infrastructure 
for the future 

Innovation, digitalisation and sustainability have been the drivers of 2021 and the basis of our planning for future years” 

Our work in decarbonisation included feasibility studies for cold ironing projects in ports and ‘Green Ports’ project proposals to create clean energy hubs with integrated electricity systems, hydrogen and low-carbon fuels, and waste re-use to promote a circular economy. We further conducted several activities for sustainability and energy efficiency of air and seaport terminal buildings. 
