Annual Report 2021


During 2021, we concentrated on two areas which link to the European Commission sustainability initiatives: Taxonomy Regulation and Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD), which have been designed and are being developed to direct investments towards sustainable activities and push companies towards sustainable attitudes. They are far from being finalised at a regulatory level, but it is important that RINA closely follows their development to ensure both internal compliance and that the services we provide support our clients in meeting these objectives.

Looking forward to 
the coming year

Other initiatives for the coming year include expansion of our ISO 37001 certification to RINA Services and strengthening of our rapidly growing international network in HSE issues. We will also be reviewing and strengthening our systems and procedures for physical and cyber security and further continue our efforts to extend, expand and disseminate the organisation’s sensitivity to a risk-based approach.  

The war in Ukraine has shocked the world and changed much in terms of the geopolitical landscape. Although this may cause some delays and postponements in the sustainability agenda, however we do not believe this will, or should, take focus away from ESG issues and the need for us to continue our ESG journey for excellence internally and ensure we are best positioned to support our clients in this critical area.

Our approach to ESG internally is an important part of the RINA culture. As a central service within the company, we work not to constrain, but to support business activities while protecting the wider organisation and ensuring we comply with rules and regulations.” 


Sangone Park reforestation project

We have joined a partnership with the Municipality of Turin and Arbolia to create a forest of over 2,100 plants in the Sangone Park in the Mirafiori Sud district of Turin. This new green area will help to reduce climate-altering emissions and improve the living conditions of the city. Ugo Salerno, our President and CEO, said: “The wellbeing of the community and the environment is reflected in that of the companies that are part of it. Therefore, it is necessary that the latter take responsibility for contributing to the reduction of emissions. The nature of RINA’s activities is already closely connected with the protection of people and the planet, and this project with the Municipality of Turin and Arbolia is fully part of our ESG strategy and our path towards carbon neutrality planned for 2023”.

Car Fleet 

When defining the 2021 car list for the company fleet, the company took CO2 sustainability into account as a fundamental element. In particular, hybrid and mild-hybrid cars have been indicated as a recommended and preferable choice, and the inclusion of car models has taken into account the limit of C02 emissions below 160 g/km, according to the new WLTP values.

RINA and World Bank for zero emissions in Kazakhstan

RINA has been chosen by the World Bank for a project which is seen as crucial in the country’s drive to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. We will carry out energy analyses of several industrial sectors in the country and provide guidelines for improving the legislative framework together with proposals for initiatives to reduce energy consumption and GHG emissions. Local auditors will also be trained so that Kazakhstan is equipped with the necessary skills to carry out audits in the future, therefore providing the country with tools for greater sustainability in terms of better use of local resources and real economic benefits, making the state more competitive both locally and internationally.